About the IAGSDC

IAGSDC Officers

Ed Zeigler
Kelly Shortandqueer
Vice Chair
Jim Babcock
Justin Crawshaw-Lopton
Joel Smith
Club Liaison
Phil Davis
Past Chair

The First years

The original Association was formed in 1983 at the South Florida Fly-in. Members in attendance at the Fly-in came from The South Florida Mustangs, Western Star Dancers of San Francisco, Mile High Squares of Denver and Puddletown Squares from Seattle. Although not represented at this meeting The New Years Resolutions are also considered founding members of the IAGSDC. Unifying principles of the Association were adopted at this meeting.

The first draft of proposed by-laws was presented to participating clubs at the Reno Rodeo later that year. Seattle Washington was selected to host the first Convention and Harlan Kerr of (at that time) Seattle was chosen as the Association's interim Chair Person.

Charter members at that time were:

  • Capital City Squares (Sacramento)
  • DC Lambda Squares (Washington DC)
  • Desert Valley Squares (Phoenix)
  • Emerald City Squares (Seattle)
  • Foggy City (San Francisco)
  • Midnight Squares (San Francisco)
  • Rocky Mountain Rainbeaus (Denver)
  • Rosetown Ramblers (Portland Oregon)
  • Sidewinders (Houston)
  • The Wilde Bunch (Albuquerque)

Also accepted at that time was Squares Across the Border (Vancouver Canada) which made it a truly international organization.

Since 1983 the IAGSDC has grown to about 60 full member clubs and half a dozen affiliate members in 3 countries. Currently we have member clubs in the U.S.A, Canada and Japan. Over the history of the association, there have also been clubs in Australia and Denmark, but sadly, those clubs have since disbanded.

The IAGSDC continues to grow. As an organization we attract a very diverse mix of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered dancers. Anyone of any sexual orientation is welcome at any IAGSDC member club. Each year a host club holds our convention, usually in the U.S. or Canada. In recent years, conventions have attracted over 1,000 square dancers for a weekend celebration of dance and related activities. Throughout the year, regional events hosted by local clubs attract hundreds of attendees.

IAGSDC History Project

A continuing project of the IAGSDC, the history project is working to computerize the records of the association. This includes information related to fly-ins and conventions, the officers of the club, and the evolution of the current organization. To explore the history of the IAGSDC in detail, go to our History Wiki.