Swinging 50's Anniversary Dance
Dinner: 6-7 pmRounds: 7-7:30 pmMS/Plus: 7:30-10 pmAdv: 10-10:30 pmSquare Dance Callers: Arlene Kaspik & Ross LoptonRound Dance Cuers: Steve & Judy Storm
Date Host Website
2017-04-21 1:1 a 2017-04-21 Temple Squares Swinging 50's Anniversary Dance
Arlene Kaspik and Ross LoptonCuers: Steve & Judy Storm
Venue Website Venue Location
Community of Grace Presbyterian Church
To Pay By Check
Make Checks Payable To Mail Checks To
PO Box 22447
Salt Lake City, UT 84122-2447
Contact Info
Contact Email: slcsquaredancing@gmail.com
Contact Phone: 8014491293