Harvest Festival Hoedown XXV

DC Lambda Squares is proud to host the Harvest  Festival Hoedown, our annual autumn fly-in, featuring Mainstream through Challenge 2 programs of Modern Western

Square Dancing, workshops, and specialty tips. We will again be at the Crowne Plaza Hotel located in Harrisburg, PA. 

DC Lambda Squares accepts both electronic payments, money order and checks by mail. ALL registrations must be completed online. Please see our website for details.

Date Host Website
2018-11-08 1:1 a 2018-11-10 DC Lambda Squares Harvest Festival Hoedown XXV
John Marshall, Kris Jensen, Gary Monday, and GCA guest callers
Venue Website Venue Location
Crowne Plaza Harrisburg-Hershey
Crowne Plaza Harrisburg-Hershey
23 South Second Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
To Pay By Check
Make Checks Payable To Mail Checks To
Harvest Festival Hoedown
PO Box 77782
Washington, DC 20013
Contact Info
Contact Name: Joe Harr
Contact Email: hfh_registrar@dclambdasquares.org