Square Up at Stonewall 50

New York City is going to be a magnet for LGBTQ+ visitors when it hosts both Stonewall 50 and World Pride 2019. The organizer is expecting 5 million visitors to gather for the Pride March on June 30, 2019. This will be a historic moment and a rare opportunity for IAGSDC to show the world the joy of LGBTQ+ square dancing.

Times Squares will support an IAGSDC contingent for the march. A vehicle will display the AGSDC banner as well as individual club logos along with audio equipment and caller Howard Richman  as we dance and march down Fifth Avenue. Promotional materials will be handed out with information about the IAGSDC and how to learn more about modern square dancing.

Date Host Website
2019-06-30 1:1 a 2019-06-30 Times Squares Stonewall 50 Pride March

Howard Richman

Venue Location
TBA closer to event
New York, NY