(CANCELED) Stumptown Stomp Weekend Fly-in, Guerneville, CA

Dance the whole weekend in beautiful Guerneville, CA. It's a small town in the redwoods, north of San Francisco on the Russian River.

2 callers & 2 halls.  MS, Plus, Advanced and C1/C2 levels. Saturday night banquet dinner, and Sunday morning continental breakfast.

Book your lodging early.

Date Host Website
2020-05-15 1:1 a 2020-05-17 Capital City Squares Capital City Squares Stumptown Stomp

Mike Seastrom, Eric Henerlau

Venue Website Venue Location
Guerneville Veterans Memorial Building
Guerneville Veterans Memorial Building
16255 First St
Guerneville, CA 95446
Meal Description Meal Offering
Saturday dinner and Sunday continental breakfast
BBQ Ribs, Chicken, or Vegetarian
To Pay By Check
Make Checks Payable To Mail Checks To
Capital City Squares
P.O. Box 19986
Sacramento, CA 95819-0986
Contact Info
Contact Name: Tom Kaiser
Contact Email: tmkaiser@ucdavis.edu
Contact Phone: 530-601-6057