Cast a Shadow on the Rio Grande [West A&C]

We have a great line up for the upcoming Cast a Shadow on the Rio Grand 2023 (A&C weekend).

Please join the Wilde Bunch and Vic Ceder, Sandie Bryant, Ett McAtee, Barry Clasper, and Albuquerque's own Kris Jensen.


Albuquerque Marriott, 2101 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM


Hotel Reservation link is

Rate $149 per room per night; rate includes up to 4 people per room.



Date Host Website
2023-09-01 1:1 a 2023-09-03 Wilde Bunch Cast A Shadow On The Rio Grande (West A & C Weekend)

Vic Ceder, Sandie Bryant, Ett McAtee, Barry Clasper, and Kris Jensen

Venue Website Venue Location
Marriott Hotel Reservation Link
Albuquerque Marriott
2101 Louisiana Blvd NE
Meal Description
NO MEALS provided; there are LOTS of options available within walking distance of venue
Fee Type Description Amount Valid Thru Transferable
Dancer From 06/01/2023 - date of event 140.00 USD Sep 2, 2023 Yes
To Pay By Check
Make Checks Payable To Mail Checks To
The Wilde Bunch
P.O. Box 40393
Albuquerque, NM 87196-0393
Contact Info
Contact Name: Georgian Spata
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 5059039271