Black & White Masquerade Ball (HFH #28 )
Join DC Lambda Squares and all your favorite dancers for a divine weekend of square dancing with Vic Ceder, Ett McAtee, and Tom Miller! We are back at the Hilton Harrisburg, where we were last year. Rooms are $149 a night from our website.
Date Host Website
2024-11-08 1:1 a 2024-11-10 DC Lambda Squares Black & White Masquerade Ball (HFH #28)
Ett McAtee, Tom Miller, Vic Ceder,
Venue Website Venue Location
Black & White Masquerade Ball (HFH #28)
Hilton Harrisburg
1 North 2nd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
To Pay By Check
Make Checks Payable To Mail Checks To
5 Thomas Circle NW
Box #41
Washington, DC 20005
Contact Info
Contact Name: HFH Committee
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